
TOPModel painting book Create your TOPModel Wedding Special Jill

8,49 €
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The TOMmodel are taking part in a wedding photo shoot.
Designe her clothes, her hair and jewelry.

with lots of pictures to color, with animations, glitter stickers, stencil and paper cut-out with great designs
H 280 x W 230 x D 10 mm

Art-Nr.: TMSDP01106401
Her-Nr: 11064-A#
Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands : 4,99 € (ab 29 € Bestellwert versandkostenfrei)
sizesize (UK)size(FR)agebodybreastwaist hip
  [cm][cm][cm] [cm]
500m.0m.0 month50434343
561m.1m.1 month56454545
623m.3m.3 month62474747
686m.6m.6 month68494849
749m.9m.9 month74514951
8011a.12 month80535053
8611a.18 month86545154
9222a.24 month92555256
9822a.30 month98565358
10433a.3 years104575460
11044a.4 years110585562
11655a.5 years116595664
12266a.6 years122625867
12877a.7 years128655970
13488a.8 years134686173
14099a.9 years140716276
1461010a.10 years146746479
1521111a.11 years152776583
1581111a.11 years158786684
1641212a.12 years164806886
5,0/5 Sternen, ermittelt aus 2 ratings
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